
What is Citizen Development?

Citizen Development describes the ability of a user, a Citizen Developer, to build applications without programming skills. Citizen Development platforms minimize the need for manual coding and programming skills when building reputable enterprise-quality applications. These platforms, also known as "low code" and recently called "no-code", are constantly evolving and creating ever better ways to create applications intuitively. At its core, this is a comprehensive paradigm shift: In the future, companies will think differently about how software is developed and who can be a developer. The new possibilities offered by the creation of applications by departments will change many areas in the company.

Professional Competence

The CoP Citizen Development in the PMI Germany Chapter offers members the opportunity to build up an increasingly important competence in the coming years through an analytical study of this topic of the future. The aim is to present the new technical options and opportunities to the management at decision-making level, based on the highly professionally controlled work base of project management by the certified PMI members. You will be able to demonstrate the future requirements as well as the adequate answers and strategies in a comprehensible way.


Citizen Development and Artificial Intelligence

The intention is to combine the topic of Citizen Development also from the point of view of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which together with machine learning represents a cross-sectional capability in all areas of IT. It is interesting that the world's leading and dominant technology providers such as Google (https://ai.google/), Microsoft (https://blogs.microsoft.com/ai/) and Amazon (https://aws.amazon.com/de/machine-learning/) are working to offer AI-based services in the field of low-code/no-code development. In line with the current trend of personalized product creation, these service solutions will provide companies with more opportunities to customize the services they use. Opportunities that companies will take into account when creating their applications and the projects they need to do so.