We are the largest project management forum in Germany. With more than 3,300 members, the chapter area covers the whole of Germany. The success of the PMI Germany Chapter stands and falls with the organization of events, projects and working groups on a regional and local level. Accordingly, it is imperative for us to organize ourselves in regions and to achieve a good balance between local service provision and supra-regional orientation. Within the framework of local services, the regions have maximum autonomy of action to best meet the needs of our members.
Region North
The Region North covers Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, large parts of Lower Saxony and a small part in the north-east of North Rhine-Westphalia in the north and north-west of Germany. Currently there are Local Groups in Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover and Braunschweig/ Wolfsburg which organize and carry out local regulars' tables and events on a wide range of topics relating to project management.
The following volunteers are active for the region:
- Vice President Region: Heiko Stoldt
- Local Group Hamburg: Heiko Stoldt, Bernd Volkmer, Stefan Tintera
- Local Group Bremen: Florian Ardighieri, Luisa Cristini
- Local Group Hannover: Marco Jakob, Andre Fuchs, Marc, Dürr, Jörg Menke
- Local Group Braunschweig/ Wolfsburg: Klaus Grothaus, Andreas Iwohn
- Central Funktions and Projects:
For questions about the region, please contact Heiko Stoldt (heiko.stoldt@pmi-gc.de) or alternativly via Kontakt & Support (pmi-gc.de)
Region East
The Region East covers the new German federal states. With five Local Groups, we organize more than 30 events a year. Particularly noteworthy is the support of the Berlin metropolis. We are locally present in all new federal states and bring our members together in various formats.
The following volunteers are active for the region:
- Vice President Region: Stephan Wolter
- Local Group Berlin/ Brandenburg: Tanja Ehrenheim
- Local Group Dresden: Annett Schlotte, Barbara Kaltenegger
- Local Group Leipzig: Ingolf Speer
- Local Group NorthEast: Rüdiger Wolf, Susanne Henne, Daniel Glasow
- Local Group Thuringia: Thomas Wagner
- Central Functions an Projects: Knut Scheuer (Lead Member Care), Juliane Schmidt (Lead Communications), Robert Landeck, Matthäus Banach, Jens Tadewaldt
For questions about the region, please contact Stephan Wolter (stephan.wolter@pmi-gc.de) or alternativly via Kontakt & Support (pmi-gc.de)
Region Central
The Central Region covers the southern part (from Kassel) of the former Frankfurt Chapter and consists mainly of the states of the federal states of Hesse, Saarland and parts of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate. This unusual layout of the area ensures that metropolitan regions such as Frankfurt/Rhine-Main and Rhine-Neckar are served from a single source.
The four Local Groups Rhine-Neckar/Heidelberg, Southwest/Saarbrücken, Darmstadt and Frankfurt organize more than 40 events per year with a focus on the Rhine-Main area.
The following volunteers are active for the region:
- Vice President Region: Dr. Martin Bertram
- Local Group Frankfurt/ Eschborn: Andrea Schlick, Shanawaz Thabrez Khadir, Pedro Rosenfeld, Marina Barmenkova
- Local Group Darmstadt: Maria Robe, Florian Adrien, Toufic Habli, Mohammad Rezaie, Thomas Walenta
- Central Functions and Projects: Bernd Töpfer (Lead Member Care), Sladjana Tufegdzic (Lead Volunteering) Matthias Koll (Lead Event Coordination), Prassad Shetti (Lead Communications)
For questions about the region, please contact Dr. Martin Bertram (martin.bertram@pmi-gc.de) or alternativly via Kontakt & Support (pmi-gc.de)
Region West
The West Region covers the western and north-western part of Germany and includes in particular the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, parts of Lower Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate. The Rhine-Ruhr and Cologne metropolitan regions in particular fall within this area. Due to the regional character, topics from the area of plant and mechanical engineering form a focal point of the work of the local groups in this region. However, media production and the financial sector are also strongly represented in the region's membership through the metropolitan areas of Cologne and Düsseldorf. Dortmund and Cologne, in turn, are locations with a broad foundation in information technology. Not to be forgotten is also the North and East Westphalian area with its many "hidden" champions in mechanical engineering.
The Region West also tries to do justice to this diversity through a distributed structure of local groups and to reach as many members as possible from all industries and locations. Together with the region, the Local Groups currently organize around 30 events per year in the form of large regional meetings, Local Group meetings, workshops or round-table discussions.
There are currently three Local Groups in the West Region, in Cologne, the Ruhr region and Weser-Ems. Plans are underway to set up two more Local Groups in 2021 for the Westphalia and Düsseldorf regions. This structure is even to be expanded as the region develops. Local Groups for the Aachen area, East Westphalia and the Münsterland are being considered.
If you are interested in setting up a Local Group yourself, even independently of the locations mentioned, simply contact the VP Region West informally by e-mail.
The following volunteers are active for the region:
- Vice President Region: Dr. Eckhard Hauenherm
- Local Group Ruhr area: Franziska Höhne, Dr. Eckhard Hauenherm
- Local Group Rhineland: Alexandra Brückner
- Local Group Weser-Ems: Herbert Biehler, Uda Biehler
- Central Functions and Projects:
For questions about the region, please contact Dr. Eckhard Hauenherm (eckhard.hauenherm@pmi-gc.de) or alternativly via Kontakt & Support (pmi-gc.de)
Region South
The Region South of the PMI Germany Chapter supports the business community in Southern Germany through the further development and dissemination of international and standardized methods of professional project management. The work in the region is supported by the Volunteers - these are chapter members who volunteer for the mission of the Southern Region: "We promote professional project management in Southern Germany through networking, qualification & social engagement!"
Due to the geographically broad expansion of Region South, seven local groups have been established to date, serving large catchment areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Regular meetings take place here, where people interested in project management topics, in addition to the individual exchange, primarily shed light on professional topics through lectures and discussions. In addition to building networks and cross-industry knowledge, certified project managers can earn PDUs here - just as they can at the regular chapter meetings.
The volunteers of the Region South in the PMI Germany Chapter organize for the members, in addition to the regular roundtables and chapter meetings that are also common in other regions, also some larger events that are also known beyond the region and chapter borders and receive an increasing number of visitors:
- The PM Summit, which is now more than well-known in the PM industry, was born in the Southern Region in 2010. Here, in Munich, the popular project management congress took place for the fifth time in 2018. It is one of the largest events focusing on project management in Germany and has established itself as a trademark for knowledge transfer in professional project management. The sixth congress will again be held in Munich in 2021, after which it will "migrate" regionally and temporally.
- The Region South of the PMI Germany Chapter regularly organizes so-called "Professional Development Events" or workshops on current topics, which serve the personal and professional development of the participating PMI members.
- As part of the initiative "Social Responsibility Projects" in the Southern Region, many individual projects have been set up over the last few years by the volunteers in order to support social and NGO initiatives as well as institutions of various kinds with project management know-how and to help them to advance their social goals in society more quickly.
The following volunteers are active for the region:
- Vice President Region: Jutta Zilian
- Local Group Munich: Jutta Zilian, Chanaka Perera, Havva Uzun
- Local Group Stuttgart: Svetlana Vinogradova, Marc Rommefanger, Olaf Schweizer
- Local Group Böblingen: Erhard Lump
- Local Group Augsburg: Sonja Behrmann
- Local Group Konstanz: Thomas Zuimmermann, Markus Greis
- Local Group Regensburg: Bodo Wallikewitz
- Local Group Karlsruhe: Matthias Rummel, Marcel Wirtz, Naincy Jain
- Local Group Nuremberg: Ingmar Rogatz, Wael Elmetwaly
- Central Functions and Projects: Dr. Werner Waldner, Thomas Pförtner. Gerhard Fuchs
For questions about the region, please contact Jutta Zilian (jutta.zilian@pmi-gc.de) or alternativly via Kontakt & Support (pmi-gc.de)