- Iris Meinl - Vice President Organizational Relations
- Annika Kruszona - Vice President Northern Region
- Anthony Soprano - Vice President Operations
- Wolfgang Friesike - Vice President Communications
We wish the new and confirmed Vice-Presidents good luck and success in their tasks.
Kurt Lehberger as Vice President Communications and Robert Landeck as Vice President Organizational Relations did not stand for re-election for personal reasons. In the name of the whole association we would like to thank both of them for their excellent work in the last year.
In addition to the election of the listed board members, the election of the auditors for 2021 was also on the agenda. Erich Pawlik and Stefan Jockenhoevel have again agreed to run for this elective office and were elected. Here, too, a big thank you to the two club colleagues for agreeing to once again take on this important task for proper club management.