You have completed your PMP/CAPM certification preparation course and are sitting in a quiet room studying for your exam and have soooo many questions? We - the PMI Germany Chapter - have the answers. According to our claim to provide a forum and platform for project management enthusiasts, we offer a weekly video conference on one topic of the PMBOK Guide, in which your questions will be answered by an experienced moderator.

220505 Study Group

What does it cost you? Except for your time and the membership in the PMI Germany Chapter e.V. - NOTHING.

First Study Group meeting was in March, further are coming now on May the 12th and May the 19th. Check out at our event calendar. Besides, there are Study Brunch Events on Sundays at 11 am. Check it out in the event calender, when exactly.

The topics of the Study Group at a glance:

  • Manage conflict
  • Lead a team
  • Support team performance
  • Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
  • Engage and support virtual teams (19.05.2022)
  • Manage communications
  • Plan and manage budget and resources
  • Plan and manage scope
  • Manage project changes (31.03.2022)
  • Determine appropriate project methodology/methods and practices
  • Manage project issues
  • Evaluate and address external business environment changes for impact on scope

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