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Attacks on critical infrastructures


The english speaking round table Region South invites you to attend "Attacks on critical infrastructures"


Chanaka Perera

Jutta Zilian


  • Critical Infrastructure (KRITIS) what it is and which organisations and institutions with a social function are in
  • Latest attacks on critical infrastructure
  • cyberattacks and attack vectors
  • NIS 2 regulation and the directive on NIS 2 regulation implementation.

We will use Teams, link will be provided latest the day prior to the event.


Jutta & Chanaka

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn der Veranstaltung 30.10.2023 18:00
Ende der Veranstaltung 30.10.2023 19:00
Anmeldeschluss 30.10.2023 09:00
Veranstaltungsort Online

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