Week 11 |
Tuesday. 11 March, 2025 | |
18:00 |
Stammtisch der Local Group RuhrgebietLiebe Projektmanagement-Enthusiasten, wir laden Euch herzlich zum ersten Stammtisch der Local Group Ruhrgebiet des PMI Germany Chapters nach der Sommerpause ein! Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, gleichgesinnte Projektmanagerinnen und Projektmanager zu treffen, sich zu vernetzen und 2 wertvolle PDUs (Professional Development Units) zu sammeln. Wir freuen uns auf einen inspirierenden Abend mit Euch! |
19:00 |
Study Group Session: People: Developing leadership roles and teams (Lilibeth Ejercito Jose-Mutoc)People: Developing leadership roles and teamsMastering and refining team leadership is essential for project success. This tutorial session offers a practical approach to enhance your skills and knowledge, empowering you to lead project teams with confidence. ✨ Don’t miss out—register now and transform your PMP preparation into a well-planned, successful project! ✨ |
Wednesday. 12 March, 2025 | |
18:00 |
Online event LGDA: "Beyond Borders: Leveraging Culture in Global Projects" by Maria Hrabikova"Beyond Borders: Leveraging Culture in Global Projects" Maria, a distinguished project and change manager from Czechia, will share her recent experience with a project in Japan when she leveraged business acumen, design thinking, and cultural intelligence. One key aspect of the webinar will be sharing her experience working on a multicultural project. This experience requires stepping outside your comfort zone in Japan and any culturally diverse setting. As a project manager, you may encounter assignments that test your adaptability and challenge your perspective, requiring new approaches to leadership and communication. https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-hrabikova-mba-cpim-pmp/ Questions? lgdarmstadt@pmi-gc.de |
Thursday. 13 March, 2025 | |
18:30 |
From Overload to Flow in 12 Months: The Kanban Journey of an Electronics Development TeamThe webinar is held in cooperation between the PMI Germany Chapter and xuviate - in GERMAN Language!. Holders of PMI certificates can claim PDUs for this event. |