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As a chapter member, please provide your PMI member id, allowing us to identify you as a chapter member and provide you benefits.Please DO NOT enter you PMP ID!
By registering here once you can log in on this website by using your chosen username and password. As a Registered User, you can register for events and enjoy special benefits. Your entered data (name, username, email, password) is only used for the purpose of event registration and provision of special benefits. You can object to the usage of your data at any time by sending an email to You can find further information in our data privacy statement.
After registration you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Please confirm you registration by clicking the link given in the email. Before filing a request to our support, please check your SPAM folder.
Your PMI Germany Chapter membership is determined by your PMI member id. If you just booked your membership today or did a fresh renewal, it might need a day longer until PMI provides us with your membership status. Please realize this if you want to get discount for paid events.
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