Essentially the debate regarding Project Management vs Change Management revolves around whether a Project Manager can be a Change Manager at the same time or is there a need to have both disciplines working in collaboration when working on projects. We will discover this in our PD Workshop.
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Event-Speaker: Ron Leeman
Ron is the Owner/Founder of the Highway of Change. Ron has been in the “business of change and transformation” for over 4-decades before it was the recognised discipline it is today. Ron has worked across the length and breadth of the UK, across many European countries and Internationally in excess of 20 industry sectors and have “change managed” over 25 different technology solutions.
July 27, 2022, 5pm – 6.30pm
Registration and more details about the speaker: https://pmi-gc.de/en/event/online-workshop/project-management-vs-change-management
In case you have any questions or need further details, you can send us an E-Mail at pdworkshops@pmi-gc.de
We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Your PD-Workshop team of PMI Germany Chapter e.V.
Atika Saigal / Marco Steidel / Andrea De Ruiter