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Talk-Around-The-Clock Virtual Charity Conference

Talk-Around-The-Clock Virtual Charity Conference

Top PM Speakers Talk Pro Bono for Doctors Without Borders‘ Aid for War Victims in Palestine

The PMI Sweden Chapter is championing the conference, and a team of event volunteers from around the world is organizing it. With the support of several other PMI chapters, the event promises to be a huge success.

Get ready to join some of the world’s finest speakers in project management for a 24-hour charity conference that’s just around the corner.

These inspiring individuals will be speaking pro bono for a deeply humanitarian purpose: To support Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) in meeting the urgent needs of civilians, especially children, in Palestine.

For more details and registration please visit the conference website https://talk-around-the-clock.com/ and the respective FAQs https://talk-around-the-clock.com/press-faqs-contact/faqs/

Conference language is english.

Participants are expected to make a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders).

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn der Veranstaltung 02.02.2024 12:00
Ende der Veranstaltung 03.02.2024 12:00
Veranstaltungsort Online

Für diese Veranstaltung werden keine Anmeldungen mehr angenommen.

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