7 ingredients to make your presentation look good
Projektleitertreffen Hannover #MeetAtHome
>> Event is in German language
You know who you're talking to, what you're saying and what you want to achieve with it? Good, now let's take care of the form. If the form is poor, it weakens the content, makes the audience inattentive and fails to achieve your goals. A well-designed presentation makes your statements clear, focused and exciting. Learn and practice the 7 steps to a good presentation..
Andre Fuchs
Andre Fuchs is an executive and coach for modern leadership. He is the author of trainings and workshops that are part of the "onsite Academy" program. His topics include modern leadership and effective communication in the company. "Combining self-determined work and corporate success" is his mission. In 2022, Andre has given 2 mini-workshops for PMI LG, where it was about the content of targeted communication. This time it's about form.
On 07.02.2023 we will start a Zoom session at 18:30. It is limited to 100 participants. To participate, we recommend installing the Zoom app or the Zoom app on a device of your choice (http://zoom.us/download or App Store). 0ny participation via browser is also possible. Registration with Zoom is not required for participation.Make yourself comfortable at home, provide yourself with drinks and food and click on the following link at around 6:30pm to join the meeting:
You will then be active as a spectator, seeing and hearing us. When speaking, please use the "raise your hand" or "Q&A" feature. Then we can answer the question and/or include you in the discussion via audio and possibly video. To actively participate in the meeting, you should have a camera and microphone.
If you want to claim PDUs, you have to register for this meeting via the PMI Germany Chapter homepage.
Please include your first and last name when attending in Zoom so that we can confirm the PDUs when asked by PMI!
Certification points
Organization: C421 - PMI Germany Chapter
Title: Projektleitertreffen Hannover – 7 Zutaten damit Ihre Präsentation eine gute Figur abgibt
PDUs: 1 Way of Work, 0.5 Power Skills
>> Prerequisite for PDUs is participation for at least 1h 15 minutes and registration via the website.
There will be a batch claim by the PMI Local Group Hannover.
Take your chance and participate!
Make a contribution yourself?
You want to contribute actively? Then register with a topic. Everything is possible, from a lecture to a discussion round to an online workshop.
Write to us!
Your Orga-Team of the project leader meeting Hannover,
Marco Jacob, Marc Dürr, Andre Fuchs, Jörg Menke
Inquiries: marco.jacob@pm-hannover.org
Event Information
Event Date | 07.02.2023 18:30 |
Event End Date | 07.02.2023 20:00 |
Available Place | 52 |
Location | Online, Local Group Hannover |