LG Konstanz: Hyperstone - PM in the high-performance semiconductor industry - lecture and guided tour!

PMI LG Konstanz Stammtisch: Hyperstone - PM in the high-performance semiconductor industry - lecture and guided tour!
We continue our series of insights into the world of applied project management ! It is great that we can again visit a company from our members to exchange ideas about industry-specific PM on site. We will meet for this at the next LG Konstanz Stammtisch at Hyperstone GmbH in Konstanz. Richard Willems will be our host.
Hyperstone develops flash memory controllers for applications that require high reliability. The activities include semiconductor development as well as the development of complex firmware. The development activities are complex and a lot of specialized expertise is required to get products to market.
In this presentation, the challenges for project management in the development of flash memory controllers will be outlined. It will be explained how the interdependencies in the development are and how these are managed with the support of tools. At the end there will be an outlook on future developments and how to keep up with the increasing complexity with methodical approaches.
In addition to the lecture, there will be a guided tour to get a hands-on idea of the projects and the developments behind them.
Topic: project management challenges in flash memory controller development!
TOP 1: 18:30 - 20.30 Hello and lecture on the topic of project management in the development of flash memory controllers
by Richard Willems followed by a guided tour.
TOP 2: 20:30 - 21.00 Miscellaneous, participant topics & discussion, next Stammtisch date.
If you are interested in this topic, please drop by and join the discussion. We all learn from each other and with each other !
We look forward to a lively participation and meet again in Konstanz in the premises of Hyperstone.
Meeting format: In person on site,
Location of the event: Hyperstone GmbH, Reichenaustr. 39a, 78467 Konstanz (Please note directions below)
Event date: 24.04.2023
Event time: 18:30-21:00 hrs
PDU code: will be communicated to the participants afterwards
Contact: Thomas.Zimmermann@pmi-gc.de; Markus.Greis@pmi-gc.de