Promoting and advancing the application of professional project management in all areas of society is the overriding goal of PMI. With over 700,000 members, PMI is the world's largest organization in this field. For many, simply being a member of this great family is a benefit in itself. However, being a member of PMI and the PMI Germany Chapter also brings many other benefits. These are often not even known. For this reason, we are going on a search for you and presenting a "Benefit of the Month" every month.
Today we want to introduce Projectified® the podcast from PMI.
Member Benefit of the Month – Episode 11 – Projectified®
WE HAVE A CAREER TURBO FOR YOU! - Youth Empowerment Program
After our "Youth Empowerment Program" was very well received in the first edition - several "young professionals" enthusiastically participated in the 2023 program - we are now starting the second round.
Looking back on a great PMI week in Berlin
It started on April 8, 2024 with a student hackathon, where more than 30 students from different faculties and cultures from 11 German universities were connected with project management. It was the first PMI live hackathon. Participants were able to gain theoretical and practical experience in project management. The day started with an introduction to project management and the presentation of the task: the creation of a project charter for a self-chosen idea on the topic of circular economy that could be realized in Berlin. After intensive group work, the teams presented their project ideas to a three-member jury. The three best teams were awarded prizes, as was the team with the most innovative project idea.
Global Project Management Job Trends 2024 (ENG)
PM-Summit in Munich - Call for Papers (CfP)
On November 25/26, 2024, the next Germany-wide PMI event, the PM Summit 2024, will take place in Munich.
The PM Summit will feature a large number of high-caliber speakers and offers a platform for the exchange of best practices, new trends and innovations in the field of project management.
Planned topics:
Report: Navigating AI in Project Management - Results of a wonderful global, cross-chapter collaboration
In 2022 and 2023, the PMI Sweden Chapter, in cooperation with many chapters worldwide, conducted intensive surveys among project managers about Experience in using and the extent of personal use of AI in project management as well as skills in the field and also predictions for the future.
Successful start for CoP Life Sciences
On February 22, the time had come. Under the leadership of Risa Inagaki, the kick-off meeting of the newly formed Community of Practice (CoP) Life Sciences took place. With 15 participants, it was a successful start overall.
Mega topic for the Kick Off: Opportunities and challenges for green hydrogen megaprojects in Africa
Anyone who still remembers about Desertec will also be able to remember that there were various reasons that caused the mega-project to fail. Now there are new approaches, such as hydrogen projects. The first event of the newly founded Community of Practice Green Energy & Environment (CoP GEE) of the PMI Germany Chapter will focus on opportunities and risks.
Member Benefit of the Month – Episode 10 – Learning Opportunities for your Professional Development
Promoting and advancing the application of professional project management in all areas of society is the overriding goal of PMI. With over 700,000 members, PMI is the world's largest organization in this field. For many, simply being a member of this great family is a benefit in itself. However, being a member of PMI and the PMI Germany Chapter also brings many other benefits. These are often not even known. For this reason, we are going on a search for you and presenting a "Benefit of the Month" every month.
Learning accompanies us throughout our professional lives. A truism, but never more important in history than in today's world, which is characterized by constant change and technological progress. Currently, it is often said that we are experiencing a turning point due to artificial intelligence.
Contributions wanted: New Work in Projects – Teamwork reinterpreted
How will working in project teams adapt to a changing working world that is increasingly characterized by new AI tools? How can teamwork be reinterpreted and, above all, (re-)designed? Discussing these questions using the perspective of science and practice and evaluating solutions is the focus of the PVM 2024 with the guiding theme of “New Work in Projects - Teamwork reinterpreted”.
Prompt Engineering Essentials for Project Professionals
The rise of generative AI (GenAI) tools like ChatGPT and PMI Infinity has ushered in a new digital competence known as prompt engineering. This emerging field requires project professionals to master the art of crafting effective prompts to communicate with AI tools, enhancing their ability to manage projects successfully.